Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Making Realistic Resolution

Let's be real, we are not going to never eat chocolate again or exercise everyday so why not make a realistic new year resolution.
If you don't plan or write out a plan is likely it won't get accomplished. Please join me in this realistic resolution.
Starting January think of four projects you will like to accomplish in January. Complete one project per week.  If you are dedicating yourself to this resolution, post to this posting and add your 4 items for January.  I will check back each week--I'll let you know how I am doing. Let me know how you are doing.

1. Sort art class materials into plastic bins
2. Refinish table
3. Organize 1 closet
4. Clean refrigerator

Week 1 - Decided to clean the closet first base on how badly it needed to be done.  I should have taken a before and after picture, however I have an image of the two bags of clothing that will be donated.  Sometimes it is hard to get rid of stuff. If it takes you more than a second or two to to decide if you should keep it--get rid of it. Happy Resolutions!


Week 2 - Miraculously my husband offered to clean the refrigerator without knowing it was on my list.  Ha! Does that count?  My next goal is to start organizing supplies in bins.  This will be a challenge because the door on my storage where the items are, is jammed.  No excuses--I will add that to my to do list.
I also added another goal of losing 20 lbs.  I am not putting a timeframe but just to meet that goal.  I am starting with drinking a glass of water before eating, swimming, watching portion size and cutting back sugar and fat. 

Week 3 -  I have shocked myself with getting motivated for this one, refinishing the table.  After I got the supplies I needed and started this project I really started to enjoy it and may take on wood projects in the future.  I hope I finish this week but if I don't I still have until the end of the month.  By the way ladies, using a power tool is a great stress reliever!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why wait until the new year to make a resolution? 

Let's start now.  Adults need to realize every single action they take will be modeled by children.  Are you always patient?  Do you show praise often?  Do you problem solve instead of get frustrated over problems?  It is important to check in with yourself on what you are modeling.

So how do we do this in our overly busy lives?

Here are some tips:

1. Before every task, as small as it may be, take a deep breath and tell yourself this is going to be great and productive.

2. Allow yourself to make and bounce back from errors.  We know the is not the end of the world really isn't the end of the world.  There is always another way and another day to resolve it.

3.  Remember that kids may be experiencing or learning something for the very first time and may not get it immediately.  Think about something you don't know how to do, perhaps sky diving or fixing a car.  You probably would appreciate someone having patience with you upon learning something new for the first time. 

4.  We all have areas where we know we need to improve.  Make sure you are not holding one's faults against them.  This will make them wear that label and feel that they are stuck there.  Example:  I have always been bad in math so I always will be bad in math.  Try...I struggle with math but plan to get one step better by studying a few more minutes.

5. Choose a positive attitude. Your attitude and mood are contagious.  This goes both ways with a negative and positive attitude.  If you know you are in a negative mood, change your mind's environment to a better place by showing gratitude for the positive things in your life.