Saturday, January 25, 2014

Salmon Spinach Salad

Salmon Spinach Salad


Fresh spinach
Ice berg lettuce
1 can salmon
fresh broccoli
Lawrey's seasoning salt
Bacos bacon bits
ground pepper
ranch dressing
olive oil

You can substitute dressings to your liking.
Toss spinach and lettuce.
Drain salmon and crumble over salad.
Lightly salt with salt, pepper.
Lightly salt salmon with Lawrey's seasoning.
Drizzle with olive oil
Top  with a pinch of bacos.
Keep your spices and toppings to a minimum- the flavors will come out without using a lot.

Health facts
Salmon per can = 4 g fat.
Calculate spinach lettuce and dressing - salad not more than 6 grams of fat.
Salmon has omega 3's spinach helps with hormones with women, broccoli is a cancer fighter.

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