2015 After School Arts Summer Curriculum
Culinary Arts
This unit explores learning basic healthy cooking that tastes great, general cooking, and understanding food health and safety.
Kids will learn skills they can use for a lifetime on making smart food choices and become independent on creating food for themselves and others.
We make many of our healthy snacks together and learn about the food groups. We will include a field trip to understanding the food and restaurant business and get a daily taste of culinary arts…yum!
Green Thumb
We will participate in a daily group garden. Children will water and prune vegetables and flowers to be used for a Fruits of our Labor party. What we produce we will use in our snacks and other units.
Exploring the world we will take an adventure field trip to Oblrich gardens to learn more about plants and their existence in our ecosystem. This field trip is set to inspire for the floral design unit.
Found objects. Find outdoor items that inspire us to create including: gathering organic items like leaves, rocks or other items that inspire us.
Art History
This unit explores art history of famous artists from Picasso to Jackson Pollock to Mary Cassatt and more. Impress your friends when attending an art museum with art history knowledge after taking this class.
Jackson Pollock. Who is he? What is his story? We will go Pollock with paint! Look out…smocks needed for this day.
There will be an optional weekend trip to the Chicago art museum. Parents are welcome to attend. Field trip fee will apply and cost will be determined. Transportation provided by After School Arts—available space for 3. We will drive to a train station and take a train downtown to the museum.
Recycled Art
Use your creative mind to turn trash into treasures like milk carton outdoor games, items we make to help the outdoor wilderness or just silly or crazy art to let our minds relax and be free.
Let’s make Earth day any day. Giving back--we will be doing a volunteer activity. Learn life skills on feeling good when helping others.
Fruits of our Labor
In this unit we will harvest our Fruits of Our Labor and create fresh garden food and floral designs harvest party that parents can join.
We will also learn the "labor" side of collaborating as coworkers and create our own product or catering business.
Flower Power
Flowers are a dynamic part of our life. We use them for celebrations, love, general affection and even used for apologies.
Join us on our adventure of creating our own floral designs with fresh, dried flowers and objects to make an artistic expression that can be used at a dining table, a foyer, or even at a hospital bed to promote cheer and health.
Architecture and Art
Let’s tour the planet and find architecture that is not only functional but is beautiful art. This unit includes planning out blueprints and creating our own mini architectural pieces.
The Art of Jewelry
Jewelry is not just what you buy from the jewelry store. Come explore the many different cultures of jewelry and different textures and items used to make jewelry. We will make our own creation of items that you would never think of that could be jewelry. We will learn that jewelry is not gender specific.
Painted glass
Learn how painting on glass is easy, fun and elegant. The most forgiving art…if you don’t like it wipe it.
Creative Writing and Illustration
We will become authors and illustrators and understand what each is. Ms. Julie’s background with technical writing will help with grammar and writing lite. Introduction to basic graphic design, using type and graphics to create visual elements.
Wisconsin Art
This unit includes making and sampling items that attribute to our dairy economy. Dairy culinary games and Wisconsin art and history. We will take a museum trip to learn more about the badger state.
Classes begin June 15. Space is limited. It is recommended to sign up for the entire summer curriculum. Each unit builds upon each other.
This program is ideal for families who want to give their children(ages 4-14), a summer break with fun and learning without breaking the school routine or breaking the bank.
References and pricing available on Facebook site or call 608-516-9992, email afterschoolarts53719@gmail.com
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