Wednesday, November 16, 2016

After School Arts Question and Answers
Feel free to respond to the post with a question.

What is the difference between enrolling in an Art program (After School Arts LLC, Monroe St Art center, Madison Children’s museum art classes and doing art or doing it on your own?

You are receiving Art Education from a qualified professionals that study art, have college degrees in art, and often are required to take continued education classes in art.  These teachers can teach skills that can be used in the professional world of art.  Activities are often structured around academic learning and require developing curriculums. 

What is required to be a Director to start an After-School Art program in Wisconsin?

A minimum requirement of the equivalent of 4 years of college, including Early Childhood education and After School registry courses.  CPR and continued education courses also required.

What can my child do with art skill? I am more concerned with their academics.

Studies show art can help children improve in academics.  There are also many careers in the art industry including the medical industry, graphic design, teaching and many more. Your children likely will improve academically by attending art programs.
What is the typical cost of enrolling in art program?
After School Arts offers programs that can be less than sports or other clubs.  Fees start at less than $100 per month.





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